Realizing the importance of a greater understanding of consumers' needs and consistent with its core objective of continuously adding value to its customers through innovative means, Bharat Petroleum had launched its convenience retailing initiative during the year 2001 under the “In Out Convenience Store" brand in its retail outlets. ​

Over the past few years, from the customer experience and feedback, it has emerged that the customer was looking for more offerings & Services in the “Convenience" fold. Therefore, the convenience bouquet expanded from a Convenience store offering products and services to setting up of Food outlets by partnering with best in breed brands namely McDonald, Café CoffeeDay, Pizza Hut, Subway  Aadyar Anand Bhavan etc . Convenience retailing initiative also started taking shape in the form of providing other service related offerings such as ATM, Money Transfer, Insurance etc. 

Our P​romise

  • Multi-tasking opportunities at a Retail Outlet
  • Gamut of offerings through a Web of best-in breed alliances
  • World class presentation of non-fuel services in a safe and a hygienic environment​